토익스피킹 소개
- ETS(Educational Testing Service)에서 개발
- YBM(한국 토익위원회)에서 주관
- 읽기, 말하기, 듣기능력을 평가
- 미국, 캐나다 등 북미 지역에 거주하는 원어민들로 구성된 ETS 전문 채점관(Rater)들이 수험자의 답변을 듣고 채점
수험료: 84.000원
시험 일정: 토요일 1회 / 일요일 1회 [링크]
시험 장소: 지정된 고사장 [링크]
시험 방식: CBT
성적 발표: 평균 5일 소요
유효기간: 2년
TOEIC® Speaking Test 시험구성
구분 | 문제 유형 | 준비 시간 | 답변 시간 | 평가기준 |
Question1-2 | Read a text aloug (문장 읽기) |
각 45초 | 각 45초 | 발음 억양과 강세 |
Question3-4 | Describe a picture (사진 묘사) |
각 45초 | 각 30초 | (위 항목들 포함) 문법 어휘 일관성 |
Question5-7 | Respond to questions (듣고, 질문에 답하기) |
문항당 3초 | 15초~30초 | (위항목들 포함) 내용의 일관성 내용의 완성도 |
Question8-10 | Respond to questions using information provided (제공된 정보를 사용하여) (질문 답하기) |
문항당 3초 (지문 읽는 시간 45초) |
15초~30초 | 위의 모든 항목 |
Question11 | Express an opinion (의견 제시하기) |
45초 | 60초 | 위의 모든 항목 |
* 10번 문항 질문 2회 제공
TOEIC® Speaking Test 점수와 레벨
Level *(ACTFL® Proficiency Level) |
Scaled Score | Performance Feedback |
Advanced High | 200 | Typically, test takers can create connected, sustained discourse appropriate to the typical workplace. When they express opinions or respond to complicated requests, their speech is highly intelligible. Their use of basic and complex grammar is good and their use of vocabulary is accurate and precise. Test takers can also use spoken language to answer questions and give basic information. Their pronunciation and intonation and stress are at all times highly intelligible. |
Advanced Mid | 180~190 | Typically, test takers can create connected, sustained discourse appropriate to the typical workplace. They can express opinions or respond to complicated requests effectively, and use spoken language to answer questions and give basic information. When reading aloud, they are highly intelligible. In extended responses, some of the following weaknesses may sometimes occur, but they do not interfere with the message: • minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation • some errors when using complex grammatical structures Test takers should be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - State and emphasize their opinion during a discussion or meeting - Give a prepared presentation or formal talk (e.g., about a new project or product) |
Advanced Low | 160~170 | Typically, test takers can create connected, sustained discourse appropriate to the typical workplace. They can express opinions or respond to complicated requests effectively. They can use spoken language to answer questions and give basic information. When reading aloud, they are highly intelligible. In extended responses, some of the following weaknesses may sometimes occur, but they do not interfere with the message: • minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or hesitation when creating language • some errors when using complex grammatical structures • some imprecise vocabulary Test takers should be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - Describe their present job responsibilities in formal settings - Ask or answer questions about an issue being discussed in a presentation or speech - Explain a business plan or policy to a new colleague or co-worker |
Intermediate High | 140~150 | Typically, test takers are able to create a relevant response when asked to express an opinion or respond to a complicated request. However, at least part of the time, the reasons for, or explanations of, the opinion are unclear to a listener. This may be because of the following: • unclear pronunciation or inappropriate intonation or stress when the speaker must create language • mistakes in grammar • a limited range of vocabulary Most of the time, test takers can answer questions and give basic information. However, sometimes their responses are difficult to understand or interpret. When reading aloud, test takers are intelligible. Test takers should be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - Talk about their future goals - Describe a familiar work-related process - Explain company history and rules |
Intermediate Mid | 110~130 | Typically, test takers have limited success at expressing an opinion or responding to a complicated request. Responses include problems such as: • language that is inaccurate, vague, or repetitive • minimal or no awareness of audience • long pauses and frequent hesitations • limited expression of ideas and connections between ideas • limited vocabulary Most of the time, test takers can answer questions and give basic information. However, sometimes their responses are difficult to understand or interpret. When reading aloud, test takers are generally intelligible. However, when creating language, their pronunciation, intonation, and stress may be inconsistent. Test takers should be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - Have "small talk" with a guest about topics of general interest (e.g., the weather) - Give a brief sightseeing tour to a guest from abroad - Tell a colleague how to perform a routine task |
Intermediate Low | 90~100 | Typically, test takers are unsuccessful when attempting to explain an opinion or respond to a complicated request. The response may be limited to a single sentence or part of a sentence. Other problems may include: • severely limited language use • minimal or no audience awareness • consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonation difficulties • long pauses and frequent hesitations • severely limited vocabulary Most of the time, test takers cannot answer questions or give basic information. When reading aloud, test takers vary in intelligibility. However, when they are creating language, speakers usually have problems with pronunciation and intonation and stress. Test takers may be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - Use memorized greeting expressions to introduce themselves in social situations - Express their opinion to others who may have a different view - Give simple directions on how to get to a familiar destination (e.g., the office) from the nearest station |
Novice High | 60~80 | Typically, test takers can, with some difficulty, state an opinion, but they cannot support the opinion. Any response to a complicated request is severely limited. Most of the time, test takers cannot answer questions and give basic information. Typically, test takers have insufficient vocabulary or grammar to create simple descriptions. When reading aloud, speakers may be difficult to understand. Test takers may be able to perform some of the following communication tasks: - Use memorized greeting expressions to introduce themselves in social situations - Express their opinion to others who may have a different view - Give simple directions on how to get to a familiar destination (e.g., the office) from the nearest station |
Novice Mid / Low | 0~50 | Typically, test takers cannot state an opinion or support it. They either do not respond to complicated requests or the response is not at all relevant. In routine social and occupational interactions such as answering questions and giving basic information, test takers are difficult to understand. When reading aloud, speakers may be difficult to understand. Test takers may be able to perform some of the following communication tasks with difficulty: - Introduce themselves using a few memorized words - Show a guest around, pointing out familiar people, objects, or places (e.g., where the restroom is) - Using a menu, order food at a café or restaurant |
등급 | 수준 |
AH | 상위 1% 수준 – 어려운 질문에 체계적이고 유기적인 답변 – 단어의 사용이 적절하고 정확함 – 문법 시제, 단복수 사용에 오류가 없음 – 발음, 강세, 억양이 매우 좋음 |
AM | AH와 유사하나, – 발음, 강세, 억양에 있어 작은 실수가 있음 – 복잡한 문법 구조 사용 시, 문법적 오류를 조금씩 범함 |
AL | AM과 유사하나, – 단어 사용이 일부 부정확함. |
IH | 전반적으로 적절한 답변을 구사하나, 일부 부분에 있어 – 문법 상의 오류 – 제한적인 범위의 단어 사용 – 부적절한 발음 및 억양으로 인해 평가자가 이해하지 못하는 부분이 일부 존재함. |
IM | 문장 단위의 답변을 구사하나, – 답변이 부정확하고, 모호하며, 계속 반복적임 – 중간 멈춤이 잦음 – 문장 간의 연결성이 약함 (답변의 유기성이 떨어짐) – 한정적인 어휘 사용 의 특징을 보여, IH 수준보다 발화량이 적고 채점자가 이해하지 못하는 부분이 더 많음. |
IL | – 답변의 문장 수가 현저히 적음. – 단문과 같이 매우 간단한 문장이나 문장의 일부 부분만을 사용하여 답변함. – 매우 제한적인 어휘 사용 – 중간 멈춤이 매우 잦음. – 부적절한 발음 및 억양을 자주 보임. |
NH/NM/NL | – 의견을 거의 이야기하지 못함. – 말한다고 해도, 단어 수준으로 띄엄띄엄 이야기하는 수준 |
TOEIC® / TOEIC® Speaking Test 상관관계
ACTFL® Proficiency Level | TOEIC 평균점수 | TOEIC 점수범위 |
Advanced High | 975 | 960~990 |
Advanced Mid | 945 | 925~955 |
Advanced Low | 895 | 855~920 |
Intermediate High | 815 | 780~850 |
Intermediate Mid 3 | 750 | 725~775 |
Intermediate Mid 2 | 700 | 680~720 |
Intermediate Mid 1 | 660 | 630~675 |
Intermediate Low | 600 | 540~625 |
Novice High | 480 | 420~535 |
Novice Mid / Low | 360 | 415 이하 |
*위 상관관계표는 TOEIC과 TOEIC Speaking 두 시험을 모두 응시한 국내 수험자 데이터를 기초로 통계 작업을 거쳐 분석한 결과입니다.
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