1. 소개
Describe a Picture
(사진 묘사)
문제 번호 | 답변 준비 시간 | 답변 시간 | 평가 기준 |
Q 3-4(2문제) | 각 45초 | 각 30초 | 발음, 억양, 강세, 문법, 어휘, 일관성 |
2. 전략
- 준비시간: 사진을 보고 답변 준비
- 답변 시간: 5~6문장 준비. 사진의 핵심적인 것을 묘사
- 템플릿, 빈출 표현 암기
- 지엽적이고 한가지 대상만이 아닌 핵심적이고 전반적 묘사
- 모르는 단어는 더 큰 범위의 단어로 표현
- 장소, 사람, 사물, 느낌 및 의견을 나타내는 표현 숙지
3. 유형
1) 1인 묘사: 서론 → 전체요약 → 인물묘사(3문장) → 기타 사물 배경 → 마무리 문장(생략 가능)
2) 2인 묘사: 서론 → 전체요약(생략 가능) → 인물묘사(1인당 1문장 + 공통 문장) → 기타 사물 배경
3) 다수의 사람 묘사: 서론 → 전체요약(생략 가능) → 인물묘사(공통 문장 포함 3-4문장) → 기타 사물 배경(생략 가능)
4) 배경이나 사물 묘사
4. 기초 쌓기
1) 장소 묘사
- This photo was taken ~
- This is a picture of ~
2) 대상 묘사
- What I notice first is ~
- The first thing I see is ~
3) 주변 묘사
- In the foreground/middle/background of the picture, there is/are ~
- On the left/right side of -, there is/are ~
- In front of -, I can see ~
- Behind -, ~ can be seen
- Above/Below -, there is/are ~
4) 느낌 및 의견 묘사
- Generally/Basically, it seems/looks like ~
- Overall, it appears to be ~
- To summarize, it seems like ~
5) 장소
- 실내: This photo is taken (at a restaurant/in an office/in a store/in a library/indoors)
- 실외: This photo is taken (on a road/at a beach/in a park/in a market/outdoors)
6) 사람의 동작
- 거리/공원: They are (crossing a road/walking along the street/taking pictures/sitting on a bench/walking dogs)
- 식당/상점/시장: A woman is (taking an order/selecting an item/from the shelf/pushing a shopping cart/studying a menu)
- 사무실/도서관/서점: Some people are (talking on the phone/working on the computer/having a meeting/arranging books/writing something down/reading a document)
- 기타 동작: Two people are (facing each other/standing in line/rowing a boat/playing musical instruments/preparing a meal/taking a rest)
7) 사람의 모습
- 외모: A man (is bald/has a beard/has a mustache/has blond hair/has a ponytail)
- 복장: A man is wearing (a suit/a coat/glasses/a cap/gloves/boots)
8) 사물의 상태
- 거리/공원
- A lot of cars are parked along the street
- The hotel is surrounded by buildings
- A boat is tied to a dock
- Flowers are planted in the park
- 식당/상점/시장
- Glassware is displayed in the shop
- A restaurant is crowded with people
- Plates are stacked up on the shelves
- 사무실/도서관/서점
- Paper are scattered on the ground
- A calendar is haning on the wall
- A laptop has been placed on the desk
9) 느낌 및 의견
- 기분: Generally, it seems like the people are (excited/relaxed)
- 분위기: Overall, it appears to be (peaceful/fun/serious/quiet/busy)
- 날씨/계절: It seems like (a sunny day/a cold day/a rainy day), I think it's (spring/summer/fall/winter)
5. 단계별 전략
1) 사진 관찰하며 표현 떠올리기
- 사진이 찍힌 장소: 실내, 실외
- 눈에 띄는 대상: 대상의 행동이나 상태, 복장을 관찰
- 그 외 보이는 것: 사람이나 사물의 위치, 동작, 상태
- 느낌 및 의견
2) 템플릿
- 사진이 찍힌 장소: This photo was taken 장소
- 눈에 띄는 대상: What I notice first is 대상
- 그 외 보이는 것
- In front of/On the left(right) side of/Next to/Behind/Above/Below ~, I can see 보이는 것
- On the left(right)/In the foreground(background, middle) of the picture, there is/are 보이는 것
- 느낌 및 의견: Generally, it seems like 느낌
6. 유형별 공략
1) 한 사람
- 중심이 되는 한 사람의 행동, 복장과 스타일에 대해 2-3문장으로 묘사
- 표현
- 상점: A woman is reaching for some fruit/A woman is choosing some vegetables from the display stand/A clerk is sweeping the floor/A clerk is putting an item inside a shopping bag
- 레스토랑: The man is looking at the menu/A waiter is holding a bottle of water/A waitress is bending over the table/An old man is eating at the restaurant
- 공원: The boy is playing a guitar in the park/An old woman is joggin along the road/The man is passing by some benches
- 사무실: A woman is typing on a loptop/The woman is reading a newspaper/A man is writing something on a document
- 거실: A boy is pointing to something in a book/A man is talking on the phone
- 주방: A chef is preparing a meal
2) 소수 인원(2~3인)
- 사람들 간의 복장이나 행동의 공통점을 파악 후, 개별 복장 및 행동 묘사
- 표현
- 공원: Two women are sitting next to each other/A boy and a girl are holding hands/The man and the boy are huggig each other/Two boys are riding their bicycles/Two people are leaning against each other/Two people are walking along the path
- 사무실: Two men are shaking hands/Some people are having a meeting in an office/Two people are facing each other/Some people are listening to the presenter
- 도서관: Some students are studying together
3) 다수 인원
- 여러 사람들의 공통점 언급후, 눈에 띄는 사람의 행동이나 복장을 묘사
- 표현
- 거리: Many people are walking along the street/A lot of people are crossing the street/A group of people is waiting for a bus/Lots of people are running in a marathon/Many people are walking in line
- 공원: Some people are relaxing on the grass
- 상점: A bunch of people are shopping at the store
- 해변: Many people are swimming in the sea
- 학교: A group of student is attending the lecture
4) 배경
- 사진의 왼쪽에서 오른쪽, 또는 가운데에서 주변으로 보이는 것들을 하나씩 언급
- 표현
- 거리: A house is surrounded by many buildings/Many cars are parked along the street/I can see some trees thick with leaves/The road is crowded with people and vehicles/Some chairs have been arranged on a street
- 공원: The fallen leaves are scattered all around the park/I can see some hills covered in bushes
- 바다, 강: There are some boats floating on the lake
- 사무실: I can see shelves filled with books
5) 사물
- 중심이 되는 사물의 상태, 색깔, 위치, 크기 등을 2-3문장으로 묘사
- 표현
- 바다, 강: A ship is moving along the river/The ferry is leaving from the dock
- 거리: Buildings have been painted red
- 공원: A big balloon is sitting on the ground
- 실내: Some lights are hanging from the ceiling
- 시장: Fruits and vegetables are displayed at the market
- 사무실: Many boxes are stacked next to the copy machine/Many papers are scattered on the table
- 박물관: Some paintings are exhibited at the museum
7. 추가 템플릿
1) 서론
- This is a picture taken at/in 장소
- This is a picture taken indoors/outdoors
2) 전체 요약(생략 가능)
- The first thing I can see from this picture is 대표적인 사람/사물
3) 세부사항
- In the foreground/middle/background of the picture, There is/are 사람/사물
- In the foreground/middle/background of the picture, I can see 사람/사물
- On the left/right side of the picture
4) 마무리(생략 가능)
- Overall, It seems/looks like 주어 + 동사
+) In front of/beside(=next to)/behind
+) They are looking at each other and wearing a suits
+) 다수의 사람: one of them/the rest of them(=the others)/all of them
+) some of them/most of them/all of them
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