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[TOEIC Writing] 소개

by cogito21_cpp 2024. 8. 2.

토익라이팅 소개

- ETS(Educational Testing Service)에서 개발

- YBM(한국 토익위원회)에서 주관

- 쓰기 능력을 평가

- 3개의 파트에서 총 8문항이 출제. 시험 시간은 60분


수험료: 84.000원

시험 일정: 매달 1회 [링크]

시험 장소: 지정된 고사장 [링크]

시험 방식: CBT

성적 발표: 평균 5일 소요

유효기간: 2년

TOEIC® Writing Test 시험구성

구분 문제 유형 문항수 답변 시간 평가기준
Question 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture
(사진에 근거한 문장 만들기)
5 총 8분 문법
문장과 사진의 관련성
Question 6-7 Respond to a written request
(E-mail 답변 작성하기)
2 문제당 10분 문장 수준과 다양성
전체 구성
Question 8 Write an opinion essay
(의견 기술하기)
1 30분 (의견을 적합한 이유와 실례를 들어 제시했는가의 여부)

TOEIC® Writing Test 점수와 레벨

(ACTFL® Proficiency Level)
Scaled Score Performance Feedback
Advanced High 180~200 Typically, test takers can communicate straightforward information effectively and use reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion. When using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion, their writing is well-organized and well developed. The use of English is natural, with a variety of sentence structures, appropriate word choice, and is grammatically accurate. When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective.
Test takers should be able to complete a variety of general and specialized writing tasks, such as writing a research report or proposal related to work.
Advanced Mid 160~170 Typically, test takers can communicate straightforward information effectively and use reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion. When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective. When using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion, their writing is generally good. It is generally well-organized and uses a variety of sentence structures and appropriate vocabulary. It may also include one of the following weaknesses:
• occasional unnecessary repetition of ideas or unclear connections between the points that are made
• noticeable minor grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Advanced Low 130~150 Typically, test takers can effectively give straightforward information, ask questions, give instructions, or make requests, but are only partially successful when using reasons, examples, or explanations to support an opinion. When attempting to explain an opinion, their writing presents relevant ideas and some support. Some typical weaknesses of writing may include:
• not enough specific support and development for the main points
• unclear connections between the points that are made
When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, their writing is clear, coherent, and effective.
Test takers should be able to write about familiar topics with some detail, and write summaries on topics of general interest.
Intermediate High 110~120 Typically, test takers are partially successful when giving straightforward information or supporting an opinion with reasons, examples, or explanations. When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the message omits important information or is partly unintelligible. When attempting to explain an opinion, their writing presents relevant ideas and some support. Typical weaknesses of writing include:
• not providing enough specific support and development for the main points
• unclear connections between the points that are made
• grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers should be able to write simple summaries based on their personal or work experience, and complete some routine formal and informal communication tasks such as email.
Intermediate Mid 90~100 Typically, test takers are at least partially successful when giving straightforward information. However, when supporting an opinion with reasons, examples, or explanations, they are mostly unsuccessful. When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the message omits important information or is partly unintelligible. When attempting to explain an opinion, significant weaknesses that interfere with communication occur, such as:
• not providing enough examples, explanations, or details to support the opinion or they are inappropriate
• inadequate organization or connection of ideas
• limited development of ideas
• serious grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
Test takers should be able to write short, simple compositions about everyday life or routines, and make requests for information.
Intermediate Low 70~80 Typically, test takers have some developing ability to express an opinion and to give straightforward information. However, communication is limited. When attempting to explain an opinion, significant weaknesses that interfere with communication occur, such as:
• not providing enough examples, explanations, or details to support the opinion or they are inappropriate
• inadequate organization or connection of ideas
• limited development of ideas
• serious grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
• when giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the responses do not successfully complete the task because of missing information
• missing or obscure connections between sentences and/or many grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choice
Test takers may be able to complete brief writing tasks such as writing a short description of an everyday activity.
Novice High 50~60 Typically, test takers have limited ability to express an opinion and to give straightforward information. When attempting to explain an opinion, the responses show one of the following serious flaws:
• serious disorganization or underdevelopment of ideas
• little or no detail or irrelevant specifics
• serious and frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

When giving straightforward information, asking questions, giving instructions, or making requests, the responses do not successfully complete the task because of:
• missing information
• missing or obscure connections between sentences and/or
• many grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

Test takers have some ability to produce grammatically correct sentences, but they are inconsistent.
Test takers may be able write very short and simple messages such as lists or notes.
Novice Mid / Low 0~40 Typically, test takers have only very limited ability to express an opinion and give straightforward information. When attempting to explain an opinion, the responses show one of the following serious flaws:
• serious disorganization or underdevelopment of ideas
• little or no detail or irrelevant specifics
• serious and frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices

Test takers cannot give straightforward information. Typical weaknesses of writing include:
• not including any of the important information
• missing or obscure connections between ideas
• frequent grammatical mistakes or incorrect word choices
• unable to produce grammatically correct sentences

